Vitamin N
I was raised in a home, which regularly practiced the use of the word,
"no." That’s not to say that I was never given anything and that I had no
fun in my...
Benefits of wearing a weighted vest
Weighted vests are heavy vests which ...
Fall has arrived!
As you can see from these photos which I found, Fall has arrived, its
October! My anniversary is coming up shortly. 13 yrs! Its hard to
believe how t...
Sydney Opera House
Sunday afternoon walk (Sunday 24th January 2016).
How would you like to remember you first visit to the Sydney Opera House?
After 2 days on th...
Post Christmas thoughts...
Disclaimer: I know that this blog post will defeat it’s purpose but maybe
it can help us all take a second and think of what and why we share things
with t...
Johnny Conrad McBride
John Conrad McBride
Born May 27th 2015
Weight: 8 lbs 15 oz
Length: 21.5 in
Time: 11:16 a.m.
We named him John Conrad after Josh's wonderful Gr...
A Very Warm Hat
I wanted to get a little experience with stranded knitting to build up my
confidence. I'm not a brave knitter, I take forever to get round to trying
a ne...
första gången!
När man är ute och reser brukar det bli en del nya upplevelser. Iallafall
när jag reser, och det har det blivit en hel del nya upplevelser under min
tid hä...
Midnattsloppet 2014 närmar sig med stormsteg och igår tränade Jens och jag
i mörkret. I och för sig inte som en direkt förberedelse för det stundande
The reason why I celebrate Easter!
I just quickly wanted to share some thoughts I have about Christ! Through
my faith in him I've received strength to push through hard times in my
life, I'...
After Much Tribulation Come the Blessings
In a time and age we no longer know much about there lived a man whose name
was Job, known by all as good, uprigh...
More Dating Frustration
I have wondered why I am not married. I think I am an amazing woman. I am
smart, beautiful, talented, optimistic, friendly, sociable, dedicated,
My man
Look at his eyes! *i'm melting*
Kwazi hihihi
There is the nice cat and the evil cat plus the innocent easily scared
cat. This is the nice cat :)
Crazy March...
March 6th
Playing in the snow!
March 12th
Playing at the beach!!
March 24th - Snow again!
March 29th - Snow's all gone and playing in the sunshine at t...
My Christmas
Every year I experience the very same thing, or rather I have the same idea
and desire that this years Christmas will be the best. That I will feel the
Wow no voice.. agh..
Hejsan allihopa :) och hej på riktigt om typ flera timmar. Helt galet!!!
First off.. so I have been sick since literally since I wrote home last
week. Not...
Sunday thoughts
Now I can sit down and write. There are loads of stuff that are happening
right now. In the world, but also in my life. I have started university
again. My...
Hayride and Catfish Fry
Each fall our ward had an does an annual fish fry and hay ride at one of
the members house out in Provencal. It is about 30 minutes outside of town,
so An...
It's a BOY!!!!!!!
I was so stoked when we found out that our baby is a boy! We're going to
name him Urijah Douglas Briggs unless he comes out and the name doesn't
fit. ...
2011 is almost done...
Wow, I can't believe that we are so close to the end of another year. 2011
has gone by fast, and it just doesn't seem like we are approaching 2012 in
just ...
Hello! Blog page changed so I can upload iPhone photos so ou can see some
of what we are without waiting until I can upload from the normal camera.
New blo...
13 saker jag älskar med New York
1. Mångfalden
2. Brandstegarna
3. Ljuset
4. Templet
5. Minnesmärken
6. Karusellen vid foten av Brooklyn bridge
7. Det vardagliga
8. Central park
9. Central ...
Let is snow, let is snow, let it snow….
Carving pumpkins, candy, Halloween, costumes, caramel apples (home made
with reeces pieces covering!), lunch with a friend (haven’t seen her in
about 17 ye...
A very , very Half Birthday to you!
Pierce is 6 months old!!! Holy cow a half a year old. How did this
happen?!?! He is so great!! He's been more interactive and makes noises ALL
THE TIME!!! ...
New Job
Well, as I mentioned last time, I have been looking for work and was
offered a great job in Farringdon. The following week I was asked to go for
an intervi...
The rainy season
Well at last we have rain,it was needed for the crops on the farm .In the
high winds of Friday one of our plum tree split and is now lying on the
ground; w...
Who's 1 ?
This Boy Is!
And what a fun day he had.
There was pizza.
There was cake and ice cream (yummy!).
Look how well this big boy uses a spoon.
Jed thoug...
Well, another long break since our last post. So, this will have to be yet
another catch up. It has been a crazy busy summer. Jenna has been working
so har...