

Saturday 7 March 2009


At the begining of the week I thought spring had arrived. I woke to hear the birds singing every morning and the sun has been shining, with lovely clear blue skies. I could smell spring in the air, and the excitement of a new season.
Imagine then, my suprise when I woke yesturday morning to snow! It was white everywhere, and so beautiful, but also unexpected.
We had our first snowed in Poole for about 15 years, a couple of weeks ago. It lasted for a whole week and it was so exciting. There were some children who had never seen snow before, enjoying every moment.
And then again yesturday, but by midday it had all melted away and the sun was back out!

Monday 2 March 2009

Orphans in Uganda

On Saturday we had our stake enrichment day and we had a sewing day, making dresses and shorts for orphans in Uganda. We had so much fun!
There were between 60 - 70 of us working through out the day. We had tables, sewing machines and iron's set up. We had a different table for each stage of the clothes making, cutting out, sewing, finishing/accessorising and quality control. We made over 250 items of clothing!
Bex Okotel runs the Child of Hope orphanage/nursery school in Namatala, Uganda. She happened to be in the country so popped in to see what we were doing. She said that she was over whelmed with everything that we had done. She told us a bit about life in Uganda and the kind of children that they help. It made it all a bit more real and worth while!
All in all it was a tiring, but enjoyable day!
(I tried to add some photos, but it didn't work! lol)

Still new at this!

So when I said I was new at this I really meant it! lol
I have a few excuses as to why I haven't written anything new for a while

1. I have been really busy with "stuff"
2. I don't really think of my life as being that exciting and
3. I'm not sure if there are that many people who will really be interested in my life and what I'm up to, but I supose time will tell!
So when I remember, or if anything exciting does happen, I'll continue to write!
