

Monday 2 April 2012

Wonderful Weekend

This past weekend has been General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it is one of my favourite times of year, I always look forward to it.
For as long as I can remember, due to my father being in the army, we have lived quite a distance from a chapel and had a distance to travel to see General Conference, so my parents would pack up a picnic lunch and all us children and we would spend the day at the chapel and watch conference, eating our picnic in between sessions.
Over the years, as we have grown older, my brothers would attend the priesthood session with Papa, which is broadcast on Sunday morning over here in Europe, while my sisters and I would help Mama with the preparation of the Picnic, which we now have down to a fine art, with the all the favourites that have become General Conference must haves!
This is a tradition that we all look forward to, even though now, Papa is not in the army and we live 3 minutes from the chapel - General Conference just wouldn't be the same without it :)
However, the picnic feast is not only the only reason we look forward to this weekend - General Conference is a spiritual feast, where we listen to the words of a living modern day Prophet, Apostles and other church leaders. It is broadcast across the world and translated into many languages for all to hear. It is where I "recharge my spiritual batteries" and come away wanting to do better and be better person.
These eternal truths that are discussed and taught are the centre of my life and the source of the joy and happiness that I have in my life. The things that teach me to do good, to love my family, to be kind and helpful to those around me, to be happy and optimistic. These truths have the answers to life's questions, questions that everyone ponders at some point in their lives.
While many people can go through life searching for these answers because they know not where to find them, I know that anyone with a true desire to find these answers can find them through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I also know at this time, these precious things I know to be true, are in the spot light and being attacked by people who do not understand or try to understand them.
To those I know and love, and others who are searching for answers and happiness, I would invite you to study and read these things for yourself and for the correct information visit or ask me about my beliefs.
It has been, as usual, a wonderful weekend. My confidence has been boosted, my spirit lifted and my knowledge confirmed. I hope that as a result of this I will become a better person, and come back to these messages again and again over the next 6 months, until the next General Conference :)
