

Saturday 7 March 2009


At the begining of the week I thought spring had arrived. I woke to hear the birds singing every morning and the sun has been shining, with lovely clear blue skies. I could smell spring in the air, and the excitement of a new season.
Imagine then, my suprise when I woke yesturday morning to snow! It was white everywhere, and so beautiful, but also unexpected.
We had our first snowed in Poole for about 15 years, a couple of weeks ago. It lasted for a whole week and it was so exciting. There were some children who had never seen snow before, enjoying every moment.
And then again yesturday, but by midday it had all melted away and the sun was back out!


Jed and Rebecca said...

You have a blog and didn't tell me! Well no matter, I still found it! Hope you are doing well :)

Rachael said...

I'm following! Did you see?

Josephine said...

Ah ha! You left a comment on my blog, which means that I now know that YOU have a blog!! Psshhh, you can't keep secrets from me!
