

Sunday 31 October 2010


So as everyone knows today is Halloween, and with it being a Sunday, people have managed to make a whole weekend of it, we'll we have here in Göteborg anyway:)
We have had a YSA Halloween weekend and it has been so much fun. A lot of effort was put in by many people and it was all worth it. I had some good times with old friends and made new friends too.
As usual with these kinds of weekends I didn't have enough sleep, but as the saying goes " I can sleep when I'm dead"!
The weekend started with a dance on Friday, the cultural hall and hallways were decorated so well and people arrived when they could from all over, there were even people from Norway and Denmark there. I didn't get home until 3am (due to the fact we couldn't find the key to lock up!)
Then on Saturday we had a workshop at the Institute centre which was really good. It was about the church and symbols and how we fit into (or look to) the world, it was funny, spiritual and interesting all at the same time!
Saturday night was the fancy dress dance and it is so fun to see what people dress up as and try to figure out how some of their minds work! lol
There were all sorts of characters and "things" there, from the Spice Girls and Zombies to Chocolate bars and a Packet of crisps! Unfortunately I still don't have my camera cable, so you'll have to see if you can find pictures on Facebook!
Some of the YSA had practiced the Thriller dance and it was so fun to watch (as much as want to learn the moves, I didn't fancy performing in front of everyone!) they had musical chairs too, and a contest for best costume. Since I'm not a great dancer, I helped out in the kitchen with Kiosk,, which is also a good place to meet people, you can talk without the music being to high and I ended up buying a few people food or drink because they didn't have the money and I'm a big softie!
We had to have the chapel clean for church, so we had a major clean up afterwards - the cellar space that the chapel has, to keep all their "stuff" (all in seasonal order) is unbelievable, we need something like that in Poole, we could keep all the Roadshow stuff there! We aimed to leave the chapel at midnight, but it was more like 1am even with lots of helpers! I got home at around 2am, but when I changed the clock back, 1am didn't seem to bad and I was glad for the extra hour.
As it was Västra Frölunda's ward conference today we couldn't change the times of their meetings, so had to start the YSA meeting at 8am, which meant I had to catch a bus at 6:59am so I set my alarm for 5:30am!!!
It was well worth it though, the spirit was so strong and all the Testimonies were really good, some stick out more than others and you can learn a lot more about people from their testimonies, I'm glad I was there:)
I stayed for the ward conference afterwards, which was also really good and well worth staying for.
I got home just in time for pizza with family, then Per and Pernilla went out to a concert and I babysat the boys. They were really good and I managed to put them to bed with out any trouble, and now after catching up on Facebook and Hotmail and my Blog, it is my turn for bed:)

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