

Thursday 20 January 2011

January 2011

So far I am really enjoying 2011 and I hope it continues that way:) I have set some goals and it feels good to have things to work towards.
It is always nice to start over again and have the feeling of a new beginning with so many possibilities ahead.
Last night was such a beautiful clear night, with so many stars and a bright full moon - usually I would love to be stood at the top of Canford Cliffs watching the moon on the sea, but to be walked home through a cold, frosty Göteborg was also nice:)
Today the sun is shining and the sky is a beautiful powdery blue and it is still frosty and cold - I love it. It has been rainy and grey for a couple of days here so this is a welcome sight.
I'm now off out for a walk to enjoy it

1 comment:

Jed and Rebecca said...

I feel same way about starting goals. I didn't want to set traditional New Year goals though (I never keep them) so I set goals in December and have been working on them since. Hope you are doing well. I would love to visit you in Sweden, maybe one day I will fall into a pile of cash and be able to.
