

Thursday 2 June 2011


In May I went to 3 different Temples in 3 different Countries in 3 consecutive weekends:)

At the beginning of May I went back to England for Amber and Allan's wedding, which was a wonderful day:) It started off with a lovely Brides breakfast, then the ceremony and reception at Poole chapel. I was the Authourised Person (registrar), my mother made their amazing cake:

My Aunt, Valerie made two of the Bridesmaids dresses:

And we ended the day at London Temple for their sealing:

Then the following weekend it was Utby ward and Göteborg stake YSA Temple trip to the Copenhagen, Denmark Temple:

Our bus left Göteborg at 7:30, we got to Copenhagen at 11:00 managed to do 2 sessions and then headed back home at 14:00.

Then the next weekend it was the Göteborg Stake Relief Society Temple trip to the Stockholm, Sweden Temple:

We had 2 buses picking people up from the stake on the way. We left at 8:30 on Friday morning, stopped half way for lunch and arrived at 16:00. We book into our rooms at the accommodation centre, did a session at 17:00 had dinner at 19:00 and then had a fireside done by the Stake Presidency and the Temple President. On Saturday morning we had breakfast between 6:30 - 7:30 and then I did another 2 sessions before lunch, packing and leaving at 14:00.

1 comment:

Jed and Rebecca said...

Those pictures of the temples are so beautiful. I hope you are doing well. I can't believe my boy is 1 and you haven't met him in person yet either. Sending lots of love your way.
