

Tuesday 28 December 2010


I have had such a great time over the past couple of weeks with my family at this Christmas season, that I don't know where to start when it comes to writing about it!
I flew back to England on 11th December to spend the weekend at the London Temple and some time with family and friends. Then on the 13th December my whole family headed to Centre Parcs for our annual family holiday. It was the first time in a while that my parents had all 8 of their children, and 5 of the 7 grandchildren together, it was so nice to be together, even if a lot of people weren't in the best of health!
We headed home to Poole on the 17th December and the week leading up to Christmas was full of baking, cooking, tidying, cleaning, carol singing, Christmas crafts and visiting, but also lovely smells, the wonderful spirit and excitement that comes with Christmas too.
Christmas has to be my favourite time of the year and I know it is largely to do with my parents and the Christmas experiences they have created for us over the years and I'm so grateful to them for it:) I love spending evenings looking at the Christmas tree and smelling the pine and reflecting on so many Christmases that have passed. I love listening to Christmas music and singing along. I love watching Christmas films, to get me in the mood for Christmas - it doesn't take much, I can even watch really cheesy films.
Last, but by no means least, I love seeing Nativity scenes to remind me of the reason for the season, and to reflect on the amazing event of the Saviour's birth, and what it means to the world, even though not everyone is aware of it.
Every Christmas eve my Father reads the Christmas story from the Bible so that we can focus on what really matters - and that is exactly it - although I am grateful for all the gifts I have received, it wouldn't matter to me if I didn't have any gifts. I am blessed to have been with my wonderful family this Christmas period and to know that Jesus Christ was born and his birth and life are worth celebrating.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Christmas Concert

On Friday night I went on a date, we met up in town then decided where to go. We decided to eat Persian food as I hadn't had it before, then go to the cinema. The restaurant was on the other side of town. We walked through the main part of town and saw all the Christmas lights and there was snow on the ground. The river was frozen over and covered in snow too, it was all so beautiful. On our way to the restaurant we passed Vasa Kyrkan (Vasa Church) and we decided to go in and have a look as it was open. As we walked in we could hear a choir singing and the acoustics in the chapel were amazing. They were practicing, so we asked when the concert was - it was at 8pm that night:) We both decided we would prefer to go to the concert instead of the cinema - you can watch a film anytime! So we went and ate, then came back for the concert.
It was an amazing night, not only was the music and sound amazing - it made me all tingly and I could feel the spirit so much, testifying to me that Jesus Christ was born and that He is my Saviour and Redeemer and that I'm so lucky to have this knowledge - but the company was great too:) I'm so glad that we decided to go to the concert, it made it such a magical night and I hope for more evenings like it with the same company:)

Thursday 2 December 2010


At the beginning of October I was told that winter has properly arrived when you have 5 mornings of frost in a row. I can now say that winter has properly arrived in Göteborg:) We have had snow on the ground for 2 weeks now and average temps of about -10 and I have been loving every minute of it:) Even if it took me about two hours to defrost the other night after we had been ice-skating!
I have been walking out in the snow while listening to "The Partridge Family Christmas Album" and really getting in to the mood of Christmas. I LOVE this time of year, and I feel sorry for the people that don't feel the same excitement or have the same wonderful memories that I have.
I have been to two Christmas markets and enjoyed the sounds, smells and crafts.
The Anderson's (the missionary couple at the Institute Centre) put on a Thanks Giving dinner for the YSA and I helped out and it get me even more excited, thinking about going home and help my Mama with the Christmas baking, or what's left of it, by the time I get back!!!
Only 9 days left now - I can't wait to see you all "I'll be Home for Christmas" :)
