

Saturday 19 February 2011

The Funeral

Granddad's funeral was on 1st February 2011. While it might seem strange to say, it was a lovely day. It was not without it's moments of sadness, but none the less a day of building more memories with family and Granddad would have loved it.
It was just family at the cemetery, so only about 60 of us! We sang Abide with me, had the dedication of the grave then the great grandchildren that were there had helium balloons that they let go, it was so nice to have something to lift our eyes upward and watch them all in their different colours drift away into the heavens. So fitting, as we know that Granddad's spirit is now in the Heavens and we will see him again.
We then went to the chapel, where Maureen, Valerie and Mama (Evey) Granddad's three daughters and Papa spoke about their wonderful Father/in law. Many stories I had heard before, but some I hadn't, and although I already knew it, it just confirmed what an amazing man William Charles Giles was. It was a mixture of laughter and tears as memories were brought to the surface.
It was so nice to be surrounded by children at this time too, who have so much more of an understanding than we realise. As my 3 year old niece, Ophelia, sat on my lap during the service and saw me crying, she asked why I was sad. I told her that I missed Great Granddad and she told me that he was alright and I should be happy. I couldn't help but smile at her through my tears and know that she was right!
The Grandchildren sang Be still my soul - I thought we did really well under the circumstances:) I think we took it in turns to cry, so there was always someone singing - well done everyone.
We then had a "party" to celebrate Granddads life. We had hot chocolate and cup cakes - a few of us had spent a couple of days making all sorts of cup cakes, there were about 400 in the end, it was a lot of effort, but fun to do:) Some of the Grandchildren sang songs that Granddad liked and we read some of his poetry and had a lovely day.
It was so nice to be able to then spend the evening with family at home as we remembered our own memories of our Grandfather and could feel the love and bond of our family which has so much to do with the example of our Grandparents. We talked about how some of the Great Grandchildren are so young that they won't remember how "Great" he was, and then I thought how my children will not have the privilege of knowing him in this life, but I was reminded that because of Heavenly Father's plan of happiness they will one day know him and spend time with him - What a day that will be, so Granddad until that day, you will be in our hearts!

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