

Thursday 3 March 2011

Spring is on it's way!

The snow is almost gone and we haven't had any for a while, so I think spring is on it's way!
While I loved the snow and winter, I am looking forward to Spring. It is so nice to have seasons and watch the world transform in each of them, and people with it.
The mornings are lighter which makes it easier to get up. And it is so nice to see the sunshine and clear blue skies and hear the birds singing. Spring brings with it a freshness and new life. Soon the flowers will be peering through the ground and the buds on the tress will be sprouting., and the weather will be warmer:)
This past week the temperatures have been between -4 and 0, so a little warmer in theory, but as there is more moisture in the air, it has felt colder and there has been a harsh wind! It's ok if you are in the sun, but the shade is arctic!
But it hasn't stopped me from being out and about. I have been walking around town and getting to know Göteborg and trying out the local cafes - there are a lot so I won't try all of them, but it's nice to feel like a local:)
I went up to the lake again, for the first time since the snow came. There was still snow but it was a lovely saturday so I wanted to be out side and enjoy the sun (at this time of year you have no idea how long it will be around!) The lake is still frozen, 50cm of ice, people were walking across it and ice skating. So I had my first experience of walking across a frozen body of water - it was fun and scary at the same time! Even though it was completely safe I couldn't help but think that there was a mass of water right underneath me!

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