

Tuesday 12 April 2011

My Weekend

On Friday the YSA had an Easter activity, a bit early, but lots of fun. We went to the home of the Von Benzon Hollesen family in Allingsås, which is a town about 45 mins from Göteborg. They own a riding school, so we did some horse riding, egg painting, a member of the Stake Presidency spoke to us about how having a good attitude can help us in life, and we had lots of lovely food, a Påskbord (Easter Table) it was a really enjoyable evening:)
On Saturday, Per was away and Pernilla had to help with the spring clean at the school and then take Viggo to tennis. And as the weather was so nice I didn't want to stay in! So I took Melker to Slotskogen (The Palace Forest, it is a big park) for most of the day. He protested at first as he wanted to stay in and watch TV all day. But we went on the bus and the tram, which he likes.

When we got to Slotskogen we saw Seals, Penguins, Sheep, Deer, Pigs, Goats, Horses and ducks. We stopped at a cafe in the centre of the park and got a hot dog and ice-cream, and finished off by going to the park, he didn't want to come home! He told me that he had had a really fun day, and I said it was a good job we didn't stay in watching TV all day:)

On Sunday I had a good day at church, I am in Primary and it is fun to be with and learn from the children. They are practicing songs for Mothers Days (it is in May over here!) When I got home from church I sat in the garden with the boys for a while, then went to Shara's farewell, she leaves for the Salt Lake City, Temple Square Mission soon. It was a nice evening mingling with friends and meeting new people too.
Yesterday the weather was still nice so I rode into town to get a few things I needed, the rode back home and sat on the deck and had lunch with Pernilla. We sat there until I had to get the boys from school - we like being ladies of leisure and sitting in the sun:) I rode to get the boys from school and we were in the garden again when they got home. After dinner I rode to and from the Institute Centre for Home Evening.
I loved cycling so much yesterday, and wanted to ride somewhere today, but it is raining, and it's not so appealing any more! lol


Jed and Rebecca said...

Jed and I love serving in the primary too. We just got called to teach the 8-9 year olds. They say silly things and are so much fun!

Talitha said...

I bet the children love you two as well:) You'll be great in primary!
