

Thursday 9 March 2017

Update #2

August 2016: After being at home for a few months and Temping I was still getting migraines, mainly at night, where I was in so much pain I couldn't really sleep and cried a lot of nights. I also had a lot of swelling in my legs and started having a few stomach problems.
I had been to my GP a few times, at first being told I need to loose weight and I would be ok. Then when I kept going back they were just trying to figure out what all the symptoms might be. I had a blood test at one point, only to be told by the GP Receptionist when I called that it came back clear and there was nothing wrong with me. Though by this time my head was hurting more and my left eye had started weeping.
Then at the end of August I was at work when I got really ill, I had come back from lunch feeling ok and my team leader was telling me what I needed to do, I remember writing it down on my note pad and then going back to my desk and going through the different systems that I'd been doing for months, but not knowing which I needed to do! I went to ask my team leader again, but couldn't finish my sentence, but she told me again and I read the notes I wrote and could see I had written it down right, but still couldn't understand it. I then started feeling fun and went to the bathroom where I was then sick 3 times.  I then went back to my desk where my team leader could obviously see something was wrong and sent me home.
I then called my GP again and explained everything that happened, while at the same time still not being able to speak or think properly. I was then told that they would contact the neurologist, but they could only do it via writing and it could be 2 weeks before we hear back from them.
By this time I thought I was going crazy, as there was no answer to what was going on  and I presumed that my family and friends just though I was being anti-social or lazy, because I would just spend a lot of time in room on my own.

September 2016: The pain in my head and eye got worse again and I still couldn't think or speak properly, so my sister Natalie said that I should call 111 (The NHS Medical number) which I did and they advised me to go to Bournemouth Hospital (it was 8pm by then) so my Mama took me. After explaining everything that had happened and what was going on the Dr told me to go to my GP the next morning and put a note on my medical records for my GP to refer me to Poole hospital the next day. Which I did, and my Mama took me to Poole hospital. I had an MRI Scan (which I cried through because I'm so costrihphobic) we were there for a number of hours and I was kind of out of it - I hadn't taken any medication because I hadn't eaten and there wasn't really anywhere to get food. I remember being in the waiting room and hearing people speak but thinking they were all speaking foreign because I couldn't understand anything. But also saying to my Mama, if the MRI scan comes back clear I must be crazy.
Then when I was called in for them to explain my MRI Scan I don't remember it at all - I remember them starting to give me some medication and saying they were going to admit me to hospital and me feeling relieved that I wasn't crazy, but not know what was going on. I also remember looking at my Mama and her looking sad with a few tears in her eyes, but again I wasn't sure what was going on.

I was in hospital for 5 days and still really didn't understand anything, it was good that Natalie, Mama and Papa were there most of the time so that they could understand what was going on. I had a CT Scan the next day and then I needed an colonoscopy before they released me home.

By which time, I think I knew I had a brain tumour and I would be having brain surgery at Southampton hospital within 2 weeks. And would be contacted by the Neurologist there.

Then a week later I had an appointment with my oncologist who gave us the results of the CT Scan and the colonoscopy which was that I was diagnosed with bowel cancer which then spread to my brain where I had the tumour, but the bowel cancer was the primary cancer and it was incurable.
The CT Scan also showed up things on my lungs and liver so I had to have a PET scan as well - which did show that the cancer is on my lungs and liver too, but very small tumours.

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