

Saturday 11 March 2017

Update #3

October 2016: I had an appointment with Mr Grundy, one of the best Neurosurgeons in the country, he explained everything about the brain surgery and asked if I wanted to go ahead with it, so I signed the paper work and then had the surgery done on Friday the 14th October in the afternoon, and I was home by Saturday evening! I couldn't believe how quick and well it went! I had to walk down the corridor and up and down some stairs before they released me home, but I managed to do it 😊
Then 5 days later I went to the nurse at my GP Surgery and she removed the 25 staples I had. I do have 3 bits of titanium holding the circular skull they cut to remove the tumour. But I have one small scar on the side of my head that no one can see as they only removed a little bit of hair and the rest of my hair is long enough to hide it ☺️

Since being diagnosed I have felt at peace with it, it's nice to know I'm not going crazy, as I hadn't felt well for months!  And my eternal perspective kicked in even more than usual. I'm so grateful for being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS/Mormon) and have the knowledge of the plan of happiness and that this is just the next stage of my life, and that I now get to prepare even better for it.

When I was first admitted to hospital in September I was put on steroids to stop the swelling in my brain and they did help with the pain that I was having in my head and eye so that was good for a while, but then the symptoms started kicking in and I wasn't so happy - I got a rash, my legs and hands were swollen, wobbly and shaky, my neck and face got really swollen and I couldn't wait to be weened off them, but when I was the pain in my head would come back so my steroids would go up again.
I had another appointment with my Oncologist, it was meant to be to talk about chemotherapy and when I wanted to start it, but I was admitted back to hospital again for a blood test and to check my steroid levels, because I was very wobbly and shaky. I was there for another 3 days, but once I walked the corridor and stairs again with the Occupational Therapist and increased the steroids again with a plan to ween off them again but for a longer period, they let me home again.

November & December 2016:  Centre Parcs and Christmas were my goals, as long as I could be ok for those 2 events with the family I wasn't worried about anything else.
So I had to take 4 steroids a day for 10 days, then 3 for 10 days, etc. until I was weened off them - so the last date was going to be the 3rd of December and I was really looking forward to it, as it was the week before Centre Parcs and I thought it would then give me a week for the swelling from the steroids to go down and then I'd be ready or feeling better for Centre Parcs and Christmas.
In the week I was off the steroids, I had a number of days where I was shaking and wobbly, some where I was dizzy and not feeling quite with it, I was sick on another day, and by Saturday my head was in so much pain again I was crying.
So 111 was called again and a Dr was sent out who said I should be admitted back into hospital again - I cried again and told him we were going on holiday on Monday, so I didn't want to be admitted to hospital. He said that if I was admitted that night and they could put me back on steroids I might be able to be ready to go on holiday, so I went with it.
When I first got to the ward I had a nurse trying to put in my cannula in my hand, but it was so painful, luckily Mama told her to stop! As I'm so swollen it is difficult to find any of my veins, they had tried about 6 times, but still couldn't find any, so the pain medication and steroids I took by tablets, and the cannula was put in the next morning after they found a vein through ultra sound.
Once I was back on the steroids and painkillers I was feeling better already, I couldn't believe it, though I knew that people at my church had been praying and fasting for me to be well enough for Centre Parcs and Christmas and could feel the blessings from that.
The Dr saw me Sunday morning and said that if by the afternoon I was feeling ok I could go home, and go on holiday - as it was only an hour away not going abroad anywhere. So Sunday afternoon I was home again and really looking forward to the annual family holiday 😄

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