

Friday 15 October 2010


I find it amazing how quickly things can change. When I first arrived in Göteborg the morning skies were bright blue, light pink and clear, but this morning when I woke it was pitch black! Autumn has arrived and it is beautiful. I went for a walking this week with Pernilla through the forest at the back of the house and to one of the lakes, and it was beautiful. The lake was still and quiet and the views were breath taking. The leaves on the trees are turning and the forest is full of amazing colours. The leaves are also falling and as it has been dry recently they are crisp and make a lovely sound when you walk through them. I am glad that Autumn is here, I love the season changes, they are each so beautiful in their own way.
It is getting colder too, yesterday there was frost on the grass in the early morning, and I have noticed the pavements have started to glisten in the night lights and I can also see my breath in the darkness as I walk home in the evenings. Today was the first day that the boys wore their hats and gloves to school because thy said they were cold yesterday!
I have been making an effort to be out and about while the weather is still nice (you never know how long it will last!) While it is getting colder, it has still been sunny and dry:)
I spent most of yesterday walking around town and getting to know the city. Göteborg is so beautiful. I can imagine it is at all times of the year, and I will see in its glory through all the seasons. But right now the rivers are quite still and calm with a few random ducks here and there, the leaves on the trees in that city are also turning all sorts of colours and falling, and people are starting to wrap up warmer because of the crisp freshness in the air. I am not a fan of all change, but I am enjoying the change in atmosphere at the moment. I have yet to see a lot of the more of the city and it's surroundings, but I am looking forward to it:) I have my camera with me, but forgot to bring my computer cable with me, so can't transfer any of them at the moment, but I will hopefully sort that out soon.


Jed and Rebecca said...

Man you have such the traveling life. I would love to come visit. As soon as I win a million dollars I am on my way!

Talitha said...

I would love for you to come and visit! I was hoping to be in Utah at some point this year, but I got a job in Sweden instead! You would have to bring Sawyer too, I can't wait to meet him, he is such a cutie pie:)
